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PART 2: Integrate Your Inner Feminine


You will be enrolled into the Integrating Your Divine Feminine mini-course which includes the full 2.5 hour healing ceremony plus integration practices to support you to deepen your jourmey. We will cover topics such as...


  • Why the modern woman is operating mostly in her shadow feminine, and how to spot the traits witin yourself 

  •  Pain has a way of stripping away a woman's natural softness and radiance, and we have to face that pain before our true Divine Feminine Essence is restored permanently

  • Receive the heart healing tool I use on my body every hour of every day to release anything that is standing between me and my soft, radiant, feminine energy

  • Enjoy the Q&A with a handful of women asking deeply powerful questions


If you have not watched Integrating Your Divine Masculine, that journey is highly recommended before diving into this one.  

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