What Is The Intuitive Healing Program?

The Intuitive Healing Program is a 3 month long journey for women where you’ll move through 9 Modules, each focusing on a different topic.

Each module is designed to tackle physical, mental and emotional imbalances from a different angle, therefore leaving no stone unturned.

The core focus during Part I of the program is the physical body, where we will look at the adrenals, the liver, proper food combining to heal the gut and we will undergo the first round of gentle food-based cleansing in The Master Hormone Cleanse.

In Part II of the program we will dive into mental and emotional repatterning which is a huge piece of the work that needs to be done to see healing on the physical level.

For any woman who is struggling with her hormones, her mind, her levels of confidence and self-love... this program is the staring point for you.

This program has been designed to offer you every tool and practice you could possibly need to commence a deep and irreversible healing journey.

The Global Crisis For A Woman Struggling With Her Body

There is a pandemic of women all over the world facing a scary and mysterious battle within her own body.

I was one of them not too long ago.

This battle of hormonal imbalance creates deep sorrow, insecurity and depression within because it truly feels like there is no way out, or no way to un-do all the damage that has been done.

Symptom after symptom continues to show up as a messenger that something is deeply wrong, leaving us feeling lost, afraid and completely depleted.

We continue to spend our hard earned money on specialist doctors advice, supplements and organic groceries… but nothing seems to work as we’d hoped it would.

The scary truth is… doctors and western medics are in the dark when it comes to PCOS and hormonal imbalance. Some of the most respected endocrinologists in the world are completely clueless about these conditions.

This lack of proper information causes a web of fear that is stretching out globally across hundreds of different countries.

If the specialists are the ones who are injecting fear into women by telling us that there is no way out, aside from long term use of medicine… it is natural that many women start to believe what they are saying.

Spending years on drugs like the contraceptive pill, Metformin or Spiralnolactone allows us to prolong the symptoms for a period of time, but deep down the volcano is waiting to erupt.

The Women


What is Intuitive Healing?

Intuitive Healing recognises the importance of trusting yourself above anyone else to know what is right for your unique body at any given time.

Becoming an Intuitive Healer means acknowledging that there is a natural intelligence speaking to you, through your body. No symptom that has shown up on your body is random. It is your body speaking to you and saying that something is not right.

When we attempt to address the symptom rather than looking at the body imbalance as a whole, we continue to miss the messages that desperately want to be heard.

As long as we continue to focus on one symptom, rather than our body, mind and emotions as one connected force, we are missing valuable insight into our bodies condition. We are also missing valuable insight into the harmful trajectory of our current existence.

This is the journey of become your own healer… through first connecting with your body so deeply that you could never miss it’s cries for help again. In this program we are moving from self-abandonment, to pure unconditional self-love.

When our desires for healing are aligned with spot treating symptoms or the “quick fix” approach, we are not honouring the process our body is moving through.

There is no quick fix approach to deep and irreversible remission.

It requires us to face our symptoms head on and dive deeper into the root cause of the imbalance. This means digging deep with our own self-inquiry.

Where does this come from?

Where is my perspective out of alignment?

What am I holding onto emotionally?

Where did this inner dis-harmony and dis-ease begin?

Intuitive healing is looking beyond the physical body and diving deeper into the mental and emotional bodies.

What Do I Receive When Enrolling?

9 Healing Modules filled with loads of healing information, tools and practices.

15 healing guided meditations (if you haven’t done one of my guided meditations you can check one out here).

The Intuitive Cooking Recipe e-Book (with 32 healing recipes).

The Master Hormone Cleanse e-Book (with a plant based menu).

The Heal Your Gut With Proper Food Combining e-book — for those who are in need of some serious gut rebalancing!

15 downloadable guidebooks on topics like meditation, finding a healthy exercise regime, practicing self-love, supplements and herbs, non-harming cosmetics... plus so much more!

Over 75 video lectures on over 100 topics.

A jam-packed 3-stage detox protocol focused on ridding the body of unwanted toxicity and finding alkalinity in the body, where no disease can manifest. You will receive all the detoxification tools you need to commence your own personal detox program.

The Course Curriculum

You'll be initiated into the program with the core foundational lessons that will help you to understand the root of why your body broke down and what you need to start focusing on in order to bring balance within.

In Module 2 you'll learn about cycle synching to bring back a healthy regular period. We'll speak about eating disorders and why Intuitive Eating is the only way forward when it comes to using food as our medicine. You'll receive a recipe book to heal the gut, as well as a recipe book focused on blood sugar balancing to balance out your sex hormones.

In Module 3 you'll be given tools and techniques to start healing your nervous system and your adrenal glands. You'll gain a deeper understanding as to why we always need to heal the nervous system and adrenals before we can heal anything else inside the body.

In Module 4 you'll learn about healing the gut microbiome and detoxing the liver. You'll then move into your first round of cleansing with The Master Hormone Cleanse. This is a 7 day plant based cleanse designed to flush excess hormones out of the system and press reset on your entire body. After you've done your cleanse you'll be ready to journey into Part II of the program.

Take a break and allow all the information to integrate and land. Soon you'll be moving into Part II, which is focused on emotional healing (the core work that truly needs to be addressed along the healing path).

In Module 5 we do the deep dive into the psyche, looking at what you are holding in your subconscious mind that could be creating imbalance and dis-ease within. We'll be addressing the inner critic, self-worth, shame, sexuality ... and we'll also address why having very strong boundaries is of major importance when balancing your hormones and ridding disease from the body.

Module 6 is jam-packed with goodness. We'll start off my diving into the topic of balancing the feminine and masculine energies. Then we'll journey into how to create a self-love practice, why pleasure is so important when balancing hormones and how to reprogram the subconscious mind in order to start building the life of your dreams.

In Module 7 we will look at every other area of your life that could be creating disharmony and imbalance within. We'll discuss career, finances, relationships, sexuality, creativity, home environment and why finding your purpose is so important to restore your physical health.

In Module 8 you'll learn about fine-tuning your intuitive abilities to navigate your healing journey into a new chapter of growth and expansion. You'll also be given visualisation tools that you can use on a daily basis which will support you as you move into the next chapter of your ascension.

In Module 9 we will move into the final stages of cleansing and detoxing the body. We focus on cellular detoxification right at the end of the program because it is not advised you do any heavy detoxing until your adrenals are healthy and strong (and you are displaying less signs of hormonal imbalance). In Module 9 you'll be given a protocol to take you into the next 6-12 months of your healing journey.

What Are the Students Saying?

The Intuitive Healing Program Members Share Their Own Stories


The IHP Grads Share Their Breakthroughs

"Went to my doctor and he officially said 'you could not classify yourself with PCOS anymore'. OMG I never could have imagined."

Rachel K

"Acne disappeared… after 7 years battling this condition! So grateful."

Sarah E

"I am in disbelief with how rich this content is. Every single lesson is a message straight to my soul. I am seeing things about myself I have never been able to see before."

Alex P

"I have felt so puffy and swollen my entire life and I’m starting to see the body that was truly meant for me. No more weight gain and inflammation. I feel truly amazing."

Penny R

"3 months in… and I’m pregnant!!! Can’t believe how quickly healing can happen when we learn that loving ourselves no matter what is the most important part."

Margaret A

"This program is the most valuable thing I’ve ever invested my money into. My body and my entire life is shapeshifting before my eyes as each month goes by."

Caron M

"The Intuitive Healing program is like no other healing modality I have ever experienced and has been truly transformational for not only my health but for my life's purpose."

Chloe G

Frequently Asked Questions

The program starts once you enrol and are ready to get started! You will immediately gain access to Module 1. Module 2 will be released after 10 days. It has been designed this way you give you enough time to integrate the learnings from each module. The integration is the most important part when healing your body. This program is not designed to be rushed because your healing journey is not a race. We want life-long lasting results which means this has to be a gradual process taken over several months of your life. If you move through each module with the 10 day structure, the course runs for a little over 3 months. Most students find they prefer to move at a slower pace and take about 4-6 months to complete the program.

The program runs through 9 Modules, with a break week in between Module 4 and Module 5.

Modules 1 to 4 are focused on the physical body and Modules 5 to 8 are focused on the mental and emotional bodies.

At the end of the program, in Module 9, you will receive a 3 stage Detox Protocol that will take you into the next 6-12 months of your healing journey. You are given every single tool you could need to commence a 1-2 year healing journey leading you towards full remission.

Every Intuitive Healer’s journey will unfold in a different way.

Some of you will commit yourself 100% and your life will never look the same. Your body will start to show improvement and by the end of the program many of your symptoms will be in remission. Beyond the body, you will see your life trajectory and what you are capable of in a totally different light than ever before. This will happen when there is patience, acceptance and openness… allowing the journey to unfold however it wants to unfold in divine timing.

Others moving through the program will remain closed as they wait impatiently for their each of their symptoms to stop. They won’t fully commit to the teachings because there is a deep underlying fear that this program is just another thing that won’t work for their body. The skepticism and fear present will keep a degree of separation between their ultimate state of health and their current health.

If you can recognise that it is YOU who needs to make changes, dedicating yourself fully to doing the work… Then the changes you will see in your body, your life, your relationships, your level of stress, your level of happiness and what you are capable of achieving…Well those changes are simply inconceivable from the limited perspective you can see from in this moment.

You have lifetime access. I encourage you to revisit the modules as often as you need as your level of awareness to receive new insights will continue to grow. The program will be updated from time to time so there will forever be new information that will be valuable for your own health. This program is walking the path to become your own Intuitive Healer for yourself and everyone around you. You will receive all the tools you need to step into this role very confidently.

The program is for every single woman who wants to heal their body, feel and look great and receive a total upgrade in their life. No, this program is not exclusive for any particular diagnosis. You'll find out why in Module 1.

Refunds are not offered for this program, solely because this community is not intended to be a "one foot in, one foot out" type of transient community. The moment you sign up for this program is the first day of the rest of your life and I urge you to take the leap and burn the bridges that could potentially act as an escape path. There is only one step forward, which is full commitment to the healing journey.

You move through the content on your own, at your own pace. You receive guidance and support from me on the discussion forums. We also have a closed Facebook group for Intuitive Healing Program members. Aside from this, the program is self-study and you can therefore take it at your own pace.

Yes! If you have decided to go on Metformin, the contraceptive pill, Spironolactone or any other medication then it is of the utmost importance that you are also doing a natural healing protocol alongside taking the medication. At some point once your body is balanced and stable enough you'll be able to come off medication although it's very important to follow the natural healing path at the same time so your body can start healing itself.

This program has been created to support you no matter what stage of the journey you are at. There are non-vegan options in the Module 2 recipe book with egg and salmon options. The cleanse in Module 4 is completely plant based as is the detox at the end of the program. This is because high vibrational plant foods will detox your body the fastest. If you are quite new to the healing journey, it is okay to still have some animal products (aside from dairy which is extremely congesting for the lymphatic system). Remember, you should always take the healing journey at a pace that feels right for your body.


The Intuitive Healing Program is no longer for sale.

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Please note:

The Intuitive Healing Program is a course for women only.


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